Monday, August 29, 2011


I don’t trust people who don’t like cats.  There is always something a little weird about the person who says “I hate cats”.  I have found that when a person doesn’t like cats, they are always a little “off” in their personalities to my way of thinking.  I love cats.  All cats.  I enjoy their personalities, their coats, their voices. I have always had a cat for as long as I remember.  Some I liked better than others.  Some I have loved so intensely that when they died, I mourned them as I would any family member.  One of the cats I now have – a rescue from my vet – has been with me for 13 years.  He’s spoiled beyond any normal way of thinking.  He sleeps with me, of course, and snores all night long.  He sleeps right by my head and if I turn over in bed, he changes sides, too, so that we’re always face to face.  I find this oddly comforting.  He snores whenever he’s asleep.  As I work in my office, he sleeps behind the desk and I always know when he’s there because I can hear him snoring away.  He likes ice water and whenever I have a glass of ice water on the end table next to my easy chair, he drinks from it.    He likes to lick the ice.  However, he has a peculiar way of drinking water.  He dips his paw in the water and licks the water from his paw.  This is how he drinks outside whenever he finds a puddle of water or from his water bowl in the house.  If I keep the glass full, he drinks normally, but if the glass is three-quarters or half full, he uses his paw.  I don’t mind sharing my water with him as long as he doesn’t dip his paw into the glass.  Maybe it’s me that’s weird?  Nah.  Not possible.  I also love dogs.

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